Cluster Resources Gollum

SLURM help

SLURM (Simple Linux Utiltiy for Resource Management) cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters. The full documentation can be found here. Some man pages you may want to read: sacct, sbatch, sinfo, squeue, sreport, srun. Please note that web searches for SLURM commands will likely show results for a different version than is installed here.

SLURM user man pages

SLURM C Library Functions man pages

SLURM File Formats and Conventions man pages

SLURM System Administration tools and Daemons man pages

SLURM Quick Start Guide

You can find some basic SLURM information here.

SLURM Job Arrays

Information about SLURM job arrarys can be found here.

SLURM reservations

You can find information about creating, listing, and using the SLURM reservation facility here.

SLURM script examples

There are example SLURM scripts here: gollum:/home/dave/jobs