Cluster Resources Gollum

SLURM partition information

Brooks Partition Status GPU Partition Status Brooks Partition Queue GPU Partition Queue
Sixteencore Partition Status Test Partition Status Sixteencore Partition Queue Test Partition Queue
Frank Partition Status Wymore Partition Status Frank Partition Queue Wymore Partition Queue
Zimintel Partition Status Zimamd Partition Status Zimintel Partition Queue Zimamd Partition Queue
Guest Partition Queue
Guest Partition Queue

SLURM groups resources into "partitions". If you are familiar with PBS or Torque you can think of partitions as "queues". The available partitions are listed in the table below. See the SLURM button on the left for the "OUTPUT FIELD DESCRIPTIONS" section of the sinfo man page for more information.

When your account was created you were assigned one or more partitions. To see which partitions you have been assigned see the Accounts button to the left. To request access to additional partitions please submit a request by one of the contact methods listed in the SUPPORT section on the bottom of the left side panel.

The output below was created with the following command:

sinfo -o "%.5a %.13P %.13l %.6D %.6c %.8z %.20C"

Thu Oct 7 14:45:02 EDT 2021


   up       brooks*    15-12:00:00     82     20   2:10:1    1217/219/204/1640
   up         frank     7-00:00:00     46    18+   2:9+:1      584/230/104/918
   up       gpu2080    15-00:00:00      6     32   2:16:1          0/192/0/192
   up           gpu    25-00:00:00     81     20   2:10:1    1213/203/204/1620
   up       gputest     1-00:00:00      2     20   2:10:1            0/40/0/40
   up        smaltr     1-00:00:00      1     18    2:9:1            4/14/0/18
   up          test        4:00:00      2     20   2:10:1            0/40/0/40
   up        walter    70-00:00:00      2     20   2:10:1            40/0/0/40
   up        wymore    33-08:00:00     20     20   2:10:1        325/55/20/400
   up       zim2080    15-00:00:00      3     32   2:16:1            96/0/0/96
   up        zimamd     7-00:00:00     25     32   2:16:1       528/16/256/800
   up        zimgpu     7-00:00:00      1     20   2:10:1            0/20/0/20
   up      zimintel    12-00:00:00     36     28   2:14:1      693/287/28/1008
   up        zimopt     7-00:00:00     24     28   2:14:1         616/56/0/672